Monday, July 9, 2007

Site update and whatnots

Uneventful weekend. Worked, spent a little time with family, played some evil, evil Sims 2. That’s about it. I am working on wrapping up the first story arc on Freedom Patton after over two years of working on it. My plan is to do a shorter 4 or 5 parter after that and then move on to the next big storyline.

The Mean Streets page is up and running. I will be throwing some profiles up for the next month or so with my plan being to start publishing the first few bits of story beginning in August. This will be a way more free form experiment than the rest of MP, but I am excited to see how it turns out.

I am in the beginning stages of putting together a print anthology of the first 18 or so months of Metahuman Press. More on that as I get closer to bringing it to fruition.

That’s about it. Any questions?

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